Problems arising from abortion’s perceived attack on the moral fabric of America has existed, in form or another, for more than a century. Although the act of unnatural fetal abortion has not always been legal, a number of qualifications were placed upon women and fetus in order to justify termination of pregnancy. Between 1825 and 1850 abortions were performed only until the time the woman could actually feel the fetus within her body and did not depend primarily on social status, marriage, or race. It was not until the dawn of the twentieth century that public outrage began. “Murdering” a baby was distasteful at best and killing an entity forming life was inexplicably, undoubtedly the most horrific tragedy to befall mankind at worst. Beginning in 1860 and lasting 110 years, laws were enacted completely illegalizing abortion. A catalyst for the heated, fervent, and sometimes violent fight against and for abortion rights began with the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision based on the famous court case Roe vs. Wade.
Fueled by many well-formatted, justice welding anti-choice organizations, the Pro-life special interest groups have targeted Roe vs. Wade, hell bent on its repeal and destruction. What these right-wing unltra fundamentalists do not realize is that although they despise the notion of the right to terminate pregnancy, they are seriously undermining the true crux of this delicate situation.
Before this law was overturned, scores of women, scared to death faced with their sketchy futures, turned to illegal abortions in back alleys, “chop-shop’s,” and bathrooms. They impaled themselves with coat hangers and threw themselves down stairs just to free themselves and their unborn of the horror of their futures--only to get staff infections, bacterial diseases, and life long, irreversible physical damage that could render them sterile forever.
Today the institutions frequented by women seeking abortions are clean sterile and safe, but there is one danger still thwarting the American public. Instead of micro-bacteria ravaging the unsterilized abortion environment, there are bomb tossing pro-lifers destroying occupied clinics, inflicting mayhem, and occasionally killing doctors and maiming nurses and patients all in the name of the moral right. They are the exact opposite of Anti-Abortion: Their credo might read, “Don’t worry, we will wait until you are fully grown to murder you in cold blood.” Somehow they believe this unmitigated hypocrisy. Perpetrators of these hostile acts are usually captured and sent packing to prison, but that discipline will not undo the guerrilla war tactics, psychological combat, and general havoc wreaked upon the countryside.
Not all Pro-Lifers go to the extent of metamorphosing into Rambo, instead they line the steps of legal abortion clinics, holding hand painted “MURDERER” signs, spewing propaganda designed to confuse, and badger and intimidate anyone in shouting distance. Occasionally they become the aggressor, ruthlessly batting people on the heads with card board signs, barricading entrances and exibiting hostile behavior. If they believe their crusade is that righteous and receives omnipotence from a higher force how could they dare use anhilistic, aggressive, mentally cruel behavior, indicative of an anarchist, in order to achieve their goal regardless of God’s wishes for goodwill, freewill, and non-judgmental attitudes.
Regardless of logic and intelligence, Pro-Lifers have decided to appoint themselves “moral sheriffs.” To be moralistic is to follow the “moral” teachings of their god: kill nothing, steal nothing, covet nothing. Above all, never murder anything, except perhaps insects (which Buddhists would find very offensive) and stop anything committing horrific crimes against God.
Pro-Choice advocates are perceived as either misguided young souls on their way to damnation or the ever-popular “perpetrators of murderous evils.” That stereotypical image created as virtual propaganda has painted an unrealistic view of the woman who chooses to abort, the facilities willing to perform the surgery, and the organizations created to defend the right.
Contrary belief holds the opinion that most women seeking abortion are lower class, young, irresponsible, and so on. In actuality, the women most likely to have the procedure done are twenty to twenty four years old, employed, middle class, and have a religious affiliation. They have a right to control what goes on with their own bodies. A bumper sticker that most poignantly describes the Pro-Choice crusade is “Keep your laws out of my womb.”
To protect the interests of the young, an age restriction has been placed on the heads of all teenage girls: Any minor seeking termination of a pregnancy must first obtain permission from a parent or legal guardian. In America, staggering numbers of adolescents are impregnated by wander lust, irresponsible young men who abandon them, a society who shuns them, and a health system all too eager to turn them away. Of all the teenage girls who become pregnant, 35% choose to have an abortion rather than carry the child to term. One factor could be sex before the girl has emotionally and mentally matured (one study found that 60% of girls ages 15 and under have been forced to have sex) another could be the inaccessibility to proper parental guidance, and yet another could be a result of ignorance about birth control (standing on one head to prevent pregnancy is still widely believed, or, that one cannot get pregnant the first time), abstinence and commitment.
Under these circumstances, a teen would most definitely consider the cons of bringing a helpless child into the world. She would more than likely drop out of school, develop stress related and physical illnesses, and have a marriage end in divorce. Public assistance would be an inescapable plight (poverty does no understand the new welfare legislation) and a welcome paltry check and food stamps would have to sustain she and the child since the fellow responsible for planting the acorn ran away to hide under his mother’s apron. Teetering on the precipice of destroying one’s life or clearing a mistake that would inevitably make her child’s life miserable she may ultimately choose to terminate.
Perhaps it is an overall sense of powerlessness at the hands of the ignorant, the closed minded, the morally superior, that make those upholding the spiritual and physical law incensed at the audacity of certain people to challenge the bodily functions of women. In a culture chocked full of what many would perceive as “wackos,” there are a chosen few who resign not to act a course befitting an over-zealous stripper of individual rights.
Roe vs. Wade was a major stride in the fight for women’s rights, gaining momentum in the decade strong sexual revolution. But with the newly gained justice comes sacrifices, opponents, and people who just do not understand the significance of the right to choose, regardless of whether it is murder of a living soul or an abomination of God. In an Orwellian sense, one may be able to see it coming. If they manage to take away our freedom over our bodies, what is next? Cloning human beings, banning books from schools across their nation, monitoring our every move with closed circuit television. Those believing in free will should stick together and make sure our rights are not expendable and that government does not gain complete control over our lives.
The next time a rash of Anti-Abortion bombings, holdups, or scream fests occur, just drive around your town and see them terrorizing some doctor’s office. Just notice how they huddle together in the ice and cold, or balance droopy picket signs and broken umbrellas in the hard rain, or gathered at the steps of a clinic yelling at undeserving patrons telling them what they already know. Then ease back in the front seat and think, “yeah, but its still legal.”
Copyright 2015, Brazen Brunhila All Rights Reserved
Fueled by many well-formatted, justice welding anti-choice organizations, the Pro-life special interest groups have targeted Roe vs. Wade, hell bent on its repeal and destruction. What these right-wing unltra fundamentalists do not realize is that although they despise the notion of the right to terminate pregnancy, they are seriously undermining the true crux of this delicate situation.
Before this law was overturned, scores of women, scared to death faced with their sketchy futures, turned to illegal abortions in back alleys, “chop-shop’s,” and bathrooms. They impaled themselves with coat hangers and threw themselves down stairs just to free themselves and their unborn of the horror of their futures--only to get staff infections, bacterial diseases, and life long, irreversible physical damage that could render them sterile forever.
Today the institutions frequented by women seeking abortions are clean sterile and safe, but there is one danger still thwarting the American public. Instead of micro-bacteria ravaging the unsterilized abortion environment, there are bomb tossing pro-lifers destroying occupied clinics, inflicting mayhem, and occasionally killing doctors and maiming nurses and patients all in the name of the moral right. They are the exact opposite of Anti-Abortion: Their credo might read, “Don’t worry, we will wait until you are fully grown to murder you in cold blood.” Somehow they believe this unmitigated hypocrisy. Perpetrators of these hostile acts are usually captured and sent packing to prison, but that discipline will not undo the guerrilla war tactics, psychological combat, and general havoc wreaked upon the countryside.
Not all Pro-Lifers go to the extent of metamorphosing into Rambo, instead they line the steps of legal abortion clinics, holding hand painted “MURDERER” signs, spewing propaganda designed to confuse, and badger and intimidate anyone in shouting distance. Occasionally they become the aggressor, ruthlessly batting people on the heads with card board signs, barricading entrances and exibiting hostile behavior. If they believe their crusade is that righteous and receives omnipotence from a higher force how could they dare use anhilistic, aggressive, mentally cruel behavior, indicative of an anarchist, in order to achieve their goal regardless of God’s wishes for goodwill, freewill, and non-judgmental attitudes.
Regardless of logic and intelligence, Pro-Lifers have decided to appoint themselves “moral sheriffs.” To be moralistic is to follow the “moral” teachings of their god: kill nothing, steal nothing, covet nothing. Above all, never murder anything, except perhaps insects (which Buddhists would find very offensive) and stop anything committing horrific crimes against God.
Pro-Choice advocates are perceived as either misguided young souls on their way to damnation or the ever-popular “perpetrators of murderous evils.” That stereotypical image created as virtual propaganda has painted an unrealistic view of the woman who chooses to abort, the facilities willing to perform the surgery, and the organizations created to defend the right.
Contrary belief holds the opinion that most women seeking abortion are lower class, young, irresponsible, and so on. In actuality, the women most likely to have the procedure done are twenty to twenty four years old, employed, middle class, and have a religious affiliation. They have a right to control what goes on with their own bodies. A bumper sticker that most poignantly describes the Pro-Choice crusade is “Keep your laws out of my womb.”
To protect the interests of the young, an age restriction has been placed on the heads of all teenage girls: Any minor seeking termination of a pregnancy must first obtain permission from a parent or legal guardian. In America, staggering numbers of adolescents are impregnated by wander lust, irresponsible young men who abandon them, a society who shuns them, and a health system all too eager to turn them away. Of all the teenage girls who become pregnant, 35% choose to have an abortion rather than carry the child to term. One factor could be sex before the girl has emotionally and mentally matured (one study found that 60% of girls ages 15 and under have been forced to have sex) another could be the inaccessibility to proper parental guidance, and yet another could be a result of ignorance about birth control (standing on one head to prevent pregnancy is still widely believed, or, that one cannot get pregnant the first time), abstinence and commitment.
Under these circumstances, a teen would most definitely consider the cons of bringing a helpless child into the world. She would more than likely drop out of school, develop stress related and physical illnesses, and have a marriage end in divorce. Public assistance would be an inescapable plight (poverty does no understand the new welfare legislation) and a welcome paltry check and food stamps would have to sustain she and the child since the fellow responsible for planting the acorn ran away to hide under his mother’s apron. Teetering on the precipice of destroying one’s life or clearing a mistake that would inevitably make her child’s life miserable she may ultimately choose to terminate.
Perhaps it is an overall sense of powerlessness at the hands of the ignorant, the closed minded, the morally superior, that make those upholding the spiritual and physical law incensed at the audacity of certain people to challenge the bodily functions of women. In a culture chocked full of what many would perceive as “wackos,” there are a chosen few who resign not to act a course befitting an over-zealous stripper of individual rights.
Roe vs. Wade was a major stride in the fight for women’s rights, gaining momentum in the decade strong sexual revolution. But with the newly gained justice comes sacrifices, opponents, and people who just do not understand the significance of the right to choose, regardless of whether it is murder of a living soul or an abomination of God. In an Orwellian sense, one may be able to see it coming. If they manage to take away our freedom over our bodies, what is next? Cloning human beings, banning books from schools across their nation, monitoring our every move with closed circuit television. Those believing in free will should stick together and make sure our rights are not expendable and that government does not gain complete control over our lives.
The next time a rash of Anti-Abortion bombings, holdups, or scream fests occur, just drive around your town and see them terrorizing some doctor’s office. Just notice how they huddle together in the ice and cold, or balance droopy picket signs and broken umbrellas in the hard rain, or gathered at the steps of a clinic yelling at undeserving patrons telling them what they already know. Then ease back in the front seat and think, “yeah, but its still legal.”
Copyright 2015, Brazen Brunhila All Rights Reserved
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