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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Psalms for Protection

The Book of Psalms is thousands of years old. The power of the psalms is undeniable. Each psalm has a different use, but all are effective. The trick to making them work is to read them with your soul, not only your lips. As with any spiritual tool, you must believe, with every cell in your body, in the power they hold. Of course, you must have the Holy Bible handy; any version will do.

How to do it:
When alone, with no distractions, sit on the ground (if you cannot sit on the ground because of a physical aliment, a chair or bench is perfectly acceptable) in a place that makes you feel comfortable and safe. This place could be in your house, outside near a tree or body of water, or inside a church or synagogue. Cross your legs in front of you, close your eyes, and imagine a bright white light encircling your body and stretching out in front of you. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Free your mind of fear, stress, or daily obligations (forget about the laundry, the project due the next day, or what you have to fix for dinner). When your head feels clear, open your eyes. Locate the psalm of your choice in your Bible and in a clear, yet calm and quiet voice, recite the text.

Psalm 99

Use: Spiritual growth, psychic awareness and intuition, enhanced connection to God, and may help with "astral projection" or lucid dreaming.

Dosage: Three times a week with mediation

Helpful Extras: Light one white candle, one pink candle, and one light blue candle of any shape or scent. Imagine a white light encircling you while you read the psalm out loud.

Psalm 61

Use: Meditate on this psalm if you want to bless a new home and bring all who dwell within its walls great luck and harmony.
Dosage: Read once a day, preferably in the morning, starting on the first day in your new place and for six mornings afterward, for a total of seven days, then once a month for a year.
Helpful extras: A horseshoe over the front door (make sure the shoe is positioned in a "u", never in a "n")

Psalm 65
Use: Read this psalm before embarking on any new endeavor such as a marriage, conception of a child, business opportunity, new job, or purchase of expensive items.
Dosage: As needed.
Helpful extras: Think positive and have hope.

Psalm 57
Use: For good luck.
Dosage: Three times a week; more when needed.
Helpful extras: Light one white candle, one green candle and one purple candle while reading the psalm.

Psalm 16
Use: This psalm is particularly good for those who find themselves in a prickly or caustic situation or for those who are miserable in their current situation. It has the power to turn unhappiness into happiness.
Dosage: Every night before bed for seven days; after that, at least twice a week.
Helpful extras: Speak to a counselor, religious advisor, a trusted friend or family member, or join a support group to help you turn a bad situation into a good one.

Psalm 77
Use: Avoid harmful situations and maintain basic survival.
Dosage: As needed.
Helpful extras: Use common sense to obtain your goals.

Psalm 19
Use: To expel addictions, negative influences, or manipulative people.
Dosage: Twice a day (morning and evening) for seven days, then four times a week or more.
Helpful extras: Light one white candle and one yellow candle while reading the psalm out loud. Think positive and have hope.

Psalm 137
Use: To get rid of grudges, hate, jealousy, malice, and spitefulness within your heart and soul.
Dosage: Once a day every day for seven days, then three times a week for maintenance. Didn't take? Seriously and calmly analyze the reasons why you feel this way and take steps to correct your own outlook.
Helpful extras: Wear bright colored clothing, look in the mirror every day and repeat, "I am fabulous and brilliant in my own right," and forgive those who trample on you.

Psalms 3, 59, and 70
Use: To protect yourself from adversaries, enemies, opponents, and attackers.
Dosage: At least three times a week; more when needed.
Helpful extras: Stay in control of your emotions and carry yourself with dignity.

Psalm 23, 35, 38
Use: To heal the body and soul during an illness or injury (either yours or someone else's).
Dosage: Twice a day, every day while ill.
Helpful extras: Light one red candle and one light blue candle while reading the psalm aloud.

Psalm 30
Use: To give thanks after healing a wound or suffering an illness.
Dosage: Once a day for five days after recovery.
Helpful extras: Eat healthy and take vitamins.

Psalm 1, 61, 128
Use: To bless a home and all who live within its walls.
Dosage: Once a week, preferably on Sunday, or as needed.
Helpful extras: Try to be respectful and pleasant to each other.

Psalm 3, 25, 54
Use: To fortify the soul, body, and mind in a stressful situation or during an illness.
Dosage: As needed.
Helpful extras: Unplug the phone, take a hot bath, and relax, knowing this bad situation will eventually end.

Psalm 133
Use: To help with the peace process between individuals or a community of people.
Dosage: At least three times a week.
Helpful extras: Understand that not every conflict can be overcome.

Psalm 41
Use: For those times you or someone else needs material things like a home, car, clothing, or food.
Dosage: As needed. When you get the things you asked for, do not forget to give thanks.
Helpful extras: If someone gives you something you need or want, karma dictates that when you are in the proper financial position you must give something to someone else in need.

Psalm 36, 38, 39
Use: To combat slanderous lies told about you and protect you against gossip and rumors.
Dosage: Twice a day for seven days, and four times a week after that.
Helpful extras: Do not hate the person slandering you; negativity begets negativity. If it is serious slander, consider getting a lawyer.

Psalm 32
Use: To obtain love, compassion, and refinement.
Dosage: Three times a week.
Helpful extras: While meditating, light one white candle and one red candle (NOT blood red, but more of a maroon)

Psalm 47
Use: To gain the esteem, admiration, and devotion of people around you.
Dosage: Three times a week.
Helpful extras: If you don't already have it, there may be reason.

Psalm 109
Use: To protect against stalkers, harassment by enemies, and those who hold a grudge against you.
Dosage: Twice a day as needed.
Helpful extras: Under the right circumstances, God is not against restraining orders.

Psalm 69
Use: To quit addictive, wicked, or destructive habits.
Dosage: Once a day until the problem is resolved.
Helpful extras: You may need counseling for more intense habits like gambling or promiscuity, but for things like smoking or nail-biting there are over-the-counter remedies at your local drugstore that may help you quit.

Psalm 16
Use: To kiss and make up with an enemy.
Dosage: Once a day for seven days; three times a week thereafter.

Helpful extras: If the relationship is caustic or dangerous, it may not be advisable to reconcile, but it the problem is simply between friends who got drunk and acted like fools on a Saturday night, there may be hope. Use this psalm with caution.

Psalm 70
Use: To conquer an enemy
Dosage: Once a day for seven days, then use as needed.
Helpful extras: Do not resort to trickery; to really win over an opponent you happen to dislike, you must make sure you achieve victory fair and square.

Psalm 111, 133
Use: To gain additional friendships and strengthen the ones you currently have.
Dosage: Three times a week during meditation.
Helpful extras: God helps those who help themselves, so get out in the world and mingle in a place you are comfortable in.

Psalm 98
Use: Make peace between families.
Dosage: Three times a week or as needed.
Helpful extras: If your problem is like the Montague and Capulet scenario, you may be screwed.

Psalm 29
Use: To help a loved one fight against evil habits, influences, or lifestyle.
Dosage: Three times a week.
Helpful extras: Meditate while reciting this psalm and ask yourself if you are being unduly pious, self-righteous, or indignant toward the other person.

Psalm 50
Use: To protect yourself from pre-meditated robberies, intruders, or deliberate home invasions.
Dosage: Daily
Helpful extras: Ensure your home is safe and secure, lock your doors at night, and install motion light detectors outside if you have the financial means. Also, know your neighbors.

Psalm 122
Use: If you are taking a trip alone in the dark of night.
Dosage: As needed.
Helpful extras: Tell loved ones were you are going and when you expect to arrive. Also, a cell phone, flashlight, spare tire, and road flares would not hurt either.

Psalm 35
Use: If a revengeful, ruthless, spiteful, or evil person has sued you for an unmerited reason.
Dosage: Twice a day for 14 days before you appear in court and repeatedly on the day you see the judge.
Helpful extras: Dress conservatively. Wear yellow, green, or purple. Keep calm and steady.

Psalm 20, 119
Use: You have to go before a judge and would like the verdict to turn in your favor.
Dosage: Once a day for seven days before your court appearance and repeatedly on the day of court.
Helpful extras: Dress conservatively. Wear yellow, green, or purple. Keep calm and steady.

Psalm 87
Use: To aid an alcoholic.
Dosage: Three times a week or as needed.
Helpful extras: Meditate with white, pink, orange, and light blue and purple candles. Counseling may be needed to overcome this problem.

Psalm 35
Use: You are being punished for breaking the law.
Dosage: Recite every day.
Helpful hints: This psalm will give you strength and balance to endure the inevitable.

Psalm 45, 46
Use: To mend the relationship between married people.
Dosage: Together, or apart, recite this psalm once a day until a solution is found.
Helpful extras: Marriage counseling may do wonders to help the state of affairs. In a therapy situation, wear white, pink, red, orange, green, or light blue to meetings; avoid darker colors as they may block communication.

Psalm 66
Use: To expel an evil spirit from a person.
Dosage: Three times a day for seven days.
Helpful extras: In this day and age the idea of demonic possession is passé. Sure, it can happen, but only the Roman Catholic Church can make the assessment that a person is indeed possessed. The individual in question could be "possessed" by drug or alcohol addiction, not the "devil." Please do not attempt to exorcise a person because he or she simply acts or thinks differently than you do. That is just weird, not to mention morally illegal.

Psalm 53, 54, 55
Use: To battle secret enemies out to harm you.
Dosage: Once a day, twice if desired.
Helpful extras: Paranoia aside, if you believe coworkers, family members, or friends are out to harm your reputation or destroy your relationships, this psalm should work wonders to reverse their luck and/or power. Gossipmongers have an uncanny way of making others believe their lies, regardless of what listeners know about you. If you believe someone has marked you for assassination, the legal system and local police department should be alerted. If you are indeed paranoid and prone to delusions, please seek out a professional help from a reputable counselor or psychiatrist.

Psalm 63
Use: To regain after getting screwed over by a business partner.
Dosage: Once a day for seven days.
Helpful extras: Call a lawyer.

Psalm 62
Use: To receive Holy Blessings.
Dosage: Once a day, three times a week.
Helpful extras: Light white candles.

 Copyright 2015, Brazen Brunhilda, All Rights Reserved

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