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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Haunted Places in Georgia

Upscale Ghosts.
Anthony's Restaurant is an upscale and wildly popular eatery for the elite in Atlanta. This mansion, originally built in 1797 by Wiley Woods Pope, is home to many ghosts trapped by time and circumstances. Patrons have seen orbs and apparitions, heard strange voices and sounds, felt cold spots and disembodied hands touching them, and seen objects, such as silverware and drinking glasses, fly through the air by themselves.
3109 Piedmont Rd NE, Atlanta, GA

The Singing Ghosts.
Edwin Booth, older brother of John Wilkes Booth, purportedly haunts the Springer Opera House in Columbus. Built in 1871, this magnificent building proudly serves opera lovers throughout Georgia. Clients and actors have seen supernatural activity throughout the theater. Reports of ice-cold spots, apparitions, orbs, slamming doors, ghostly cries, and flashing lights are abundant.
103 10th St, Columbus, GA

Lost Love.
The 17 Hundred 90 Inn and Tavern in Savannah, Georgia is over 200 years old and home to a pair of ghostly heartbroken lovers. In the early 1800's, a young woman named Anna Powers threw herself off a third floor balcony after her lover set sail in pursuit of sunken treasure. Anna reportedly haunts room 204, but sightings of her apparition have been seen throughout the inn and guests report they have heard a woman sobbing late at night. Several other unnamed spirits haunt the tavern, and it is widely believed one of these ghosts is Anna's lover.
307 E President St, Savannah, GA 31401

Black's Beef.
Built before the great fire of 1820, The Hampton Lillibridge House in Savannah is one of the most haunted places in the south. In 1960, after the owner moved the home from its original location to St. Julian's Street, bizarre and frightening supernatural events began to transpire. In 1963, an Episcopalian bishop performed an exorcism on the house, but instead of ending the paranormal activity, the haunting intensified. The house remains the site of many uncanny incidents. Several different ghosts reside within its walls, but the most malevolent may be the spirit of a former owner and convicted killer, who is often called the "man in black."
St. Julian's Street, Savannah, Georgia

Room 203.
The Kehoe Bed and Breakfast in Savannah, Georgia is home to the infamous "Lady in Grey," a spirit who haunts room 203 with a vengeance. Built in 1892, the Victorian mansion was a funeral home and later a makeshift hospital for victims of yellow fever. Many spirits reside in the grand home and guests routinely report sightings of apparitions and orbs. Some insist the Kehoe ghosts have touched or pushed them from behind.
123 Habersham Street, Savannah, Georgia 31401, United States
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