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Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Saints and What They Represent

The saints are not just for Roman Catholics anymore. Many non-Catholics, and even non-Christians, recognize the power of the saints. They may watch over us in times of trouble and doubt, protect us from harm, lead us in the right direction, or sooth our wounds in times of trials and tribulation. Besides, what harm can it do to petition to the saints when we are feeling depressed, harassed, harried, stressed, or worried? Of course, it helps to believe in their existence and power, but for some people, the proof is in the pudding. Many skeptics have, on a lark or whim, decided to test the power of the saints. Some were disappointed in the results but many more became believers.

It is interesting to note that every saint is intrinsically different. There is literally a saint for everyone. There is a saint for coffee drinkers, computers (yes, computers!) insects, carpenters, alchemists, firefighters, etc. Who is your personal saint? Scroll down this page and find the saint(s) that represents your career, family situation, personal life, aspirations, faith (or lack of it), or hobbies.

Saint Anne
Grandmothers, love, romance, carpenters, childless women and men, equestrians, homemakers, lace makers, lost items, seamstresses, cabinetmakers, miners, pregnant women and sterile women, and friendship
Places: Canada; Connecticut; Quebec; Taos, New Mexico; Santa Ana Indian Pueblo
Memorial Day: July 26
Grandmother of Jesus Christ, Wife of Saint Joachim
Canonized: 1584
"Anne" means grace; gracious one

Saint Anthony
Born 1195; Died: June 13, 1231
Protects: Against starvation, guards against shipwrecks, watches over animals, senior citizens, sailors, fishermen, boatmen, amputees, the poverty stricken, travelers, helps gain success, re-acquire stolen or misplaced items or regain a lost lover, harvests, stewardesses, horses, postal system, mail, and oppressed people.
Places: Brazil; diocese of Beaumont, Texas; Ferrazzano, Italy; Lisbon, Portugal; Padua, Italy; Portugal
Memorial Day: June 13
Peoples: American Indians; Tigua Indians
Canonized: May 30, 1232
aka: Evangelical Doctor

Saint Barbara
Died circa 235. Cause of Death: Her father beheaded her during the persecution of Maximinus of Thrace at Nicomedia
Protects people against death or maiming by fire, storms, explosions, lightening strikes, ammunition blasts and misfires, and death by artillery. She watches over firefighters, soldiers, bomb technicians, gravediggers, construction workers, carpenters, gunners, masons, builders, brewers, architects, fireworks makers, tile makers, tillers, geologists, sharpshooters, miners, prisoners, mathematicians, military men, structural and electrical engineers, hatmakers, martyrs, stonecutters, and warehouses.

Places: NA
Memorial Day: December 4
Represents: Calices, bravery, and towers
Canonized: cultus suppressed in 1969
"Barbara" means Stranger

Saint Basil
born 329 in Caesarea, Asia Minor (now Turkey); died June 14, 379
Protects: All reformers, hospital workers and administrators, legal problems, lawsuits, and court proceedings
Places: Russia
Memorial Day: January 2
Represents: Supernatural Fire
Canonized: NA
aka: Father of Eastern Monasticism
"Basil" means Kingly

Saint Bernadino (also referred to as Bernardine of Siena)
born 1380 at Massa di Carrara, Italy; died 1444 in Aquila, Italy

Protects: Gamblers, the chest, lungs, respiratory system, advertisers, advertising, public relations businesses and workers, debaters, orators, lecturers, and those in communications
Places: San Bernardino, California; Italy
Memorial Day: May 20
Represents: Special Pleas
Canonized: NA
Saint Raphael the Archangel
(also referred to as Azariah; Angel of Love; Angel of Joy)
Protects: The eyes from disease and injury, the mentally ill, the mentally handicapped, insane or demented people, the blind, pharmacies, nurses, doctors, pharmacists, shepherds, herders, the ill (of all kinds), travel sickness, and Guardian Angels. Ensures first-class or cheerful travel and making new acquaintances

Places: archdiocese of Dubuque, Iowa and Seattle, Washington
Memorial Day: September 29
Appears as: A young man with either a fish, a bottle, or a staff
His name Means "Healer of God"
Saint Christopher
Also referred to as Kester; Kitts; Offero
Born: at Canaan; Died 251
Protects: travelers, truck drivers, auto drivers, sailors, motorcycle riders, transportation and transport workers, archers, bachelors, sailors, cab drivers, and guards against toothaches.

Places: Rab Croatia
Memorial Day: July 25
Appears as: A man carrying Christ on his shoulders or as a giant or a billowing tree
His name means "Christ-Bearer"

Isidore of Seville
Born: 560 at Cartagena, Spain; died: April 4, 636 in Seville, Spain
Protects: Students, school kids, the internet, computers, computer users, computer technicians, computer builders and software designers.

Memorial Day: April 4
Appears as: A Bishop surrounded by bees.

Saint Cyril
Also referred to as Apostle of the Slavs; Apostle of the Southern Slavs Constantin; Constantine the Philospher; Constantine; Cyril the Philosopher
Born: in 827 in Thessalonica, Greece; February 14, 869 in Rome, Italy
Protects:  Yugoslavia, Eastern Europe, Bulgaria, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Moravia

Memorial Day: February 14 (it was once July 7 and March 9)
Appears as: An Asian Monk
Saint Dymphna
Also referred to as Dympna or Dimpna
Born: unknown; Died: beheaded by her jealous father
Protects: The mentally ill or deficient and assist those suffering from anxiety and depression, runaways, psychiatrists, mental health counselors, and mental institutions. Guards against epilepsy, incest, insanity, murder, the mentally ill, sleepwalking, rape, and mental disorders.

Memorial Day: May 15
Appears as: A beautiful woman holding Satan on a leash.

Saint Drogo
Also referred to as Dreux; Drugo; Druon
Born: 1105; died 1186 in Seboug, France
Protects: The mentally ill, mute people, deaf people, orphans, cattle, shepherds, ugly people, ill people, midwives, and coffee bean pickers, coffee shop owners, coffee drinkers, unattractive women, spinsters, and bones. Guards against stupidity, gallstones, and organ ruptures.
Memorial Day: April 16
Saint Rita of Cascia
Also referred to as Margarita of Cascia and Rita La Abogada de Imposibles
Born: In 1386 Roccaparena, Umbria, Italy; Died: May 22, 1457 of tuberculosis at the Augustinian Convent
Protects: Abused women and children, infertile couples, parents, the sick, and widows. Pray to her about: impossible or lost causes, loneliness, bad marriages, open wounds and sores, and hopeless causes.

Memorial Day: May 22
Canonized: May 24, 1900

Saint Francis of Assisi
Also referred to as Francis Bernardone and Poverello
Born: In 1181 in Assisi, Umbria, Italy (Christened Francis Bernardone); Died: October 4, 1226 in Portiuncula, Italy
Protects: Animals, zoos, zoology, veterinarians, the environment, environmentalists, ecologists and ecology, families, tapestry and needle workers. Guards against: dying alone and fire.

Pray to him to: For serenity, spiritual needs, to gain composure, and blessings for the soul
Places: Colorado and the archdiocese of Denver; Assisi, Italy; Italy; Salina, Kansas; Santa Fe, New Mexico and its archdiocese; archdiocese of San Francisco, California
Memorial Day: October 4
Canonized: In 1228 by Pope Gregory IX
Appears as: Stigmata, a fish, a wolf, all birds, skulls, and deer

Saint Gerard Majella
Born: April 23, 1725 in Muro, Italy; Died in 1755 of Tuberculosis
Protects: Pregnant women, mothers, and those who wish to be a mother, childbirth, labor, children, pro-lifers, fetuses, people falsely accused of crimes (especially men falsely accused of fathering children by vengeful women), and honest confessions.
Memorial Day: October 16
Canonized: December 11, 1904 by Pope Saint Pius X

Saint Joan of Arc
Also referred to as: Maid of Orleans; Jeanne d'Arc; Jean D'arc; Jehanne Darc
Born: January 6, 1412 in Greux-Domremy, Lorraine, France; Died: May 30, 1431 in Rouen, France
Cause of Death: Burned Alive at the Stake
Protects: WACs, WAVES, Women's Army Corps, women in all military service, soldiers, hostages, prisoners, martyrs, believers of the Christian faith, those persecuted for their religion or morals, victims of rape, and those who question the Catholic Church Authorities. 

Place: France
Pray to her for: Valor, daring, bravery, success and triumph
Memorial Day: May 30
Canonized: May 16, 1920 by Pope Benedict XV
Beatified: April 11, 1905 by Pope Saint Pius X
Her name means: God is Gracious
Appears as: A young girl covered in armor, holding a banner, lance, and sword.

Saint Joseph
Also referred to as: Joseph the Betrothed
Died: In the 1st century, before the Passion of the Christ
Protects: Carpenters, craftsmen, laborers, wheelwrights, working people, cabinetmakers, engineers, pioneers, travelers, confectioners, those wanting to purchase a home, pregnant women, dying people, families, easy death, social justice, the Universal Church, and those fight communism and socialism.

Places: The Americas; Austria; Belgium; Bohemia; Canada; Carinthia; China; Natives of Croatia; Korea; Mexico; Turin and Florence Italy; Peru; Tyrol, Austria; Vietnam; Styria, Austria; and the archdiocese's of Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Biloxi, Mississippi; Buffalo, New York; Cheyenne, Wyoming; Hartford, Connecticut; La Crosse, Wisconsin; Louisville, Kentucky; Manchester, New Hampshire; Nashville, Tennessee; San Jose, California; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Wheeling-Charleston, West Virginia
Pray to him: To bless the workplace, home, and family members
Memorial Day: March 19
Appears as: A man with a child or carpenter's tool

Saint Lucy
Also referred to as: Lucia of Syracuse and Lucia de Syracuse
Born: circa 283 in Syracuse, Sicily; Dies: circa 304 in Syracuse, Sicily
Cause of Death: Multiples stabs to the throat at age 21 after having her eyes plucked out by the govenor who was trying to force the "evil" Christian into slavery and prostitution.
Protects: The blind and against blindness, the eyes and against eye diseases, martyrs, salesmen, authors and writers, the throat, and peasants and the poor. Guards against hemorrhaging and dysentery.

Pray to her: To protect against evil, wickedness, cruelty, spite, and hatefulness
Memorial Day: December 13
Canonized: Pre-Congregation
Her name means: The bringer of light.

Saint Lazarus
Also referred to as: Lazaro
Protects: Lepers and guards against leprosy
Pray to him: For the poor, downtrodden, and daily survival
Memorial: June 21

Saint Jude Thaddeus
Died: Before or in the 1st century; Cause of Death: Beaten too death with a club and then beheaded after death in Persia.
Protects: Aids in forgotten, hopeless, or impossible causes; protects health care givers, hospital workers, doctors, and nurses.
Places: Diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida
Pray to him: For help with seemingly impossible dreams, hopes, and desires and assistance in extremely difficult situations
Memorial: October 28 and June 19
His name means: sweetness or gentleness of character

Saint Martin de Porres
Also referred to as: Martin of Charity and The Saint of the Broom
Interesting fact: He was the First Black American Saint
Born: December 9, 1579 in Lima, Peru; Died: In 1639
Protects: African-Americans and Bi-Racial Americans; racial harmony and race relations; the justice system (political and social); public education; public health system; public schools; barbers and hairdressers; the poverty stricken; innkeepers and hotel staff; and television studios and sets.

Pray to him: For spiritual and psychic healing, the evolution of the soul, and help with blocking sin and lustful thoughts.
Memorial Day: November 3
Canonized: May 16, 1962 by Pope John XXIII
Beatified: 1873
Saint Michael the Archangel
Led God's army against Lucifer. Considered the Guardian Angel of Israel.
Protects: Dying people, police officers, paramedics, security guards, ambulance drivers, EMT's, swordsmiths, fencers, paratroopers, artists, mariners, soldiers, grocers, hatmakers, knights, radiologists, sailors and guards against temptations.
Places: Brussels, Belgium; Caltanissett, Sicily; Cornwall, England; Germany; Papua, New Guinea; Puebla, Mexico; and Sibenik, Croatia and the diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Florida, Seattle, Washington and Springfield, Massachusetts
Pray to him: For bravery and protection from evil
Memorial: September 29 and May 8
Canonized: Pre-Congregation
His name means: "Who is Like God?"

Saint Mary-Magdalen de'Pazzi
Born: In 1566 in Florence, Italy (Christian name was Catherine); Died: May 25, 1607
Protects: Against sickness, sexual temptation and deviance
Pray to her: For self-empowerment and enhancement
Memorial: May 25
Canonized: April 28, 1669 by Pope Clement IX
Beatified: May 8, 1626 by Pope Urban VIII

Saint Peter
Also referred to as: Simon and Cephas
Born: Unknown; his given name was Simon; Died: circa 64; Cause of Death: Crucified upside down as a martyr
Protects: Butchers, locksmiths, fishermen, the papacy, Popes, cobblers, bakers, bridge builders, and watch makers, and guards against foot diseases and pains, fevers, and rage
Places: Exeter College Oxford and Poznan, Poland, and the Dioceses of Jackson, Mississippi, Las Vegas, Nevada, Marquette, Michigan, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Providence, Rhode Island, and Scranton, Pennsylvania
Memorial: June 29 (feast of Peter and Paul); February 22 (feast of Chair of Peter); November 18 (feast of the dedication of the Basilicas of Peter and Paul)
Canonized: Pre-Congregation
His name means: Rock

Saint Raymond
Also referred to as: Raymund Nonnatus and Raimundo Nonato

Born: In 1204 in Portella, Spain; Died: August 31, 1240 in Cardona, Spain; Cause of Death: fever
Pray to him: To mend family strife and bickering
Protects: pregnant women, newborns, children, labor, childbirth, fever, people falsely accused of crimes, obstetricians, gynecologists, and midwives
Memorial: August 31
Canonized: In 1657 by Pope Alexander VII
His name means: "not born," because he was brought into the world by Caesarian Section

Saint Quirinus
Born: Unknown; Died: Circa 308; Cause of Death: Beaten and drowned in the River Raab because he refused to sacrifice to the pagan gods (he was the Bishop of Sisak, Croatia)
Protects: Against demonic possession and evil spirits and guards against obsessions
Memorial: June 4
Canonized: Pre-Congregation

Saint Expeditus
Also referred to as: Elpidius
Protects: Merchants, retailers, navigators, and guards against procrastination and offers rapid solutions to problems
Memorial: April 19
Canonized: Pre-Congregation

Saint Agatha
Born: In a prison in either Catania or Palermo, Sicily; Died: circa 250 in Catania, Sicily; Cause of Death: Executed by rolling her over hot stones
Protects: Nurses, rape victims, wet-nurses, torture victims, jewelers and martyrs and guards against breast disease, breast cancer, fires, natural disasters, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and eruptions of Mount Etna
Places: Catania, Italy; Palermo, Italy; and Zamarramala, Spain
Memorial: February 5
Her name means: Good

Saint Rosa of Lima
Born: In 1586 in Lima, Peru (born Isabel); Died: August 24, 1617 in Lima, Peru
Protects: Gardeners, florists, landscapers, planters, those persecuted for their faith and seamstresses and guards against vanity and narcissism.
Places: India; Latin America; Peru, the Philippines; South America; Villareal Samar Philippines; and the West Indies
Memorial: August 23
Canonized: April 2, 1671 by Pope Clement X
Her name means: Rose

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
Also referred to as: Aluigi Gonzaga; Luigi Gonzaga
Born: March 9, 1568 in Lombardy, Italy at the castle of Castiglione delle Stivieri in Montau; Died: June 20 or 21, 1591 in Rome; Cause of Death: the Plague
Protects: AIDS patients, AIDS health care providers and activist, Jesuit students, teenagers, children and gives relief from pestilence.
Memorial: June 21
Beatified: October 19, 1605 by Pope Paul V and 1621 in by Pope Gregory XV
Canonized: In 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII

Saint Amand
Also referred to as: Amandus; Amand of Maastricht
Born: circa 584 in Poitou; Died: circa 679 in Elnone
Protects: Bartenders, bar staff, bars, pubs, brewers and breweries, hoteliers, merchants, vine growers, vineyards, makers of wine, and sellers of wine.
Memorial: February 6
His name means: Lovable

Thomas of Aquinas
Also referred to as: Doctor Angelicus, The Dumb Ox, The Universal Teacher, Doctor Communis, and the Great Synthesizer
Born: circa 1225 in Roccasecca, Aquino in Naples, Italy; Died: on March 7, 1274 in Fossanuova
Protects: Catholic schools of every level, the education system, theologians, philosophers, pupils, publishers and booksellers, and guards against sever storms and lightening.

Memorial: January 28
Canonized: in 1323

Thomas a Beckett
Also referred to as: Thomas Beckett and Thomas of Canterbury
Born: in 1118 in London, England; Died: in 1170 in the Cathedral in Canterbury, England
Cause of Death: Murdered
Protects: The clergy (religious and secular)

Places: Exeter College Oxford and Portsmouth, England
Memorial: December 29
Canonized: in 1173 by Pope Alexander III

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